Why You Should Take Your Agent To Model Homes
When buying new construction home we always recommend having representation in the form of a real estate agent. When you visit a model home the first step the builders have you do is fill out a sign in sheet. The reasoning is two fold, one is to keep track of who enters the model homes and two is to see who is working with an agent. It is crucial to have your real estate agent with you the first time you visit because if you sign in without them it forfeits your ability to have representation with an agent. Builders will always work with agents as long as you establish you have an agent very early in the process and make sure they are present during sign in process. Builders can and will reference the list if you have signed in previously without an agent.
We always recommend having a real estate agent when buying a new home because it is hard to say whether or not the builder has your best interest in mind when potential issues arise during the build process. When in doubt, contact your agent if you are interested in new builds so they can be present at the beginning of the process. Better to have someone in your court that has your best interests in mind when navigating the process of building a new home.